Does Your Organization Need Help Managing Technology and Planning for the Future?
Whether you are outsourcing the IT function or augmenting an in-house team, you can count on Risetech Partners to make a difference.

In today’s world of rapid technology advancement, successful organizations of all sizes in all sectors require more than the traditional Managed Services stack of Remote Network Monitoring & Management, Help Desk, and Project Implementation. Our proven Technology Success Practice, IT Care, is ideal for organizations with 20-250 users that need the traditional Managed IT Services stack but also want a strategic partner that is focused on providing impactful business outcomes. With dedicated service delivery roles and repeatable processes, IT Care enables our clients to increase productivity, control costs, and reduce risk & exposure.

The growing complexity of technology is quickly becoming a real challenge to efficiently and effectively manage for one-person IT departments. Rather than hire another expensive resource, organizations are widely adopting the concept of Co-Managed IT which leverages the expertise and process framework of a Managed IT Services Provider (MSP) to complement the skill set of the internal IT resource. Similar to utilizing outside talent for legal and finance oversight, organizations today are benefitting greatly from Co-Managed IT engagements.
Is Your Organization Lacking the Proper Security Posture?
The path to a secure environment is a continuous journey that Risetech Partners can successfully navigate on your behalf.

In today’s technology and social landscape, organizations of all sizes may be the target of an attack from internal or external sources. Risetech Partners combines internal expertise and strategic partnerships with several leading security providers to deliver a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity. Our CyberCare Cybersecurity Framework is customizable to meet the needs of your organization and can include the necessary services for compliance requirements such as HIPAA and CMMC.